Anyone who has an active interest in developing wargames and wargaming can join Wargame Developments. We have links to some of our members websites and blogs if you want to get a better feel for who our members are and how they approach the hobby!
As a member you will get:
- Invitations to COW, VCOW, AVG and any other events we run
- 9 copies of The Nugget every year (by post or email, depending on membership type)
- Access to our discussion group
- The chance to discuss wargames and wargaming design (and even play wargames!) with a wide variety of highly knowledgeable and experienced practioners from the hobby, academic and professional sides of the hobby.

How much does it cost?
The current cost of the full annual subscription is:
- Full Membership (UK and BFPO): £30.00
- Full Membership (rest of the World): £40.00
- e-Membership: £20.00.
The subscription year runs from August to August.
Full members get a printed copy of THE NUGGET and access to the password-protected online PDF versions of THE NUGGET.
E-members get access to password-protected online PDF versions of THE NUGGET only.
How do I join?
To join WD send an email with your name and address to stating which tier you want to join at, and make payment to:
- Account number: 28671901
- Sort Code: 09-01-55
- IBAN: GB67ABBY09015528671901
Alternatively send a cheque, International Money Order, or Postal Order - made payable to Wargame Developments - with your name and address to:
Wargame Developments, 84 Eglinton Hill, Shooters Hill, London, SE18 3DY, UK
With the exception of venues used for the annual Conference of Wargamers - who may require a printed list of names and contact details of attendees for Security, Health or Safety reasons - no details of members held on the database are passed on or sold to third parties. Wargame Developments abides by the General Data Protection Regulations. Please refer to the WD Data Protection Policy for more information.