The Autumn Virtual Gathering (AVG)
Having realized that we could hold virtual events with VCOW it seemed only natural to think about filling the gap between COW in the summer and VCOW in later Winter with a new event in the Autumn. We wanted to avoid the organizational load that comes with a full conference, and so instead the light-touch Autumn Virtual Gathering (AVG) was born on 16 Oct 21.
AVG is primarily a presentation and discussion event and any member can propose a session. Unlike COW and VCOW AVG is a single track event so there is no need for individual session sign-ups - but it is a members-only event.
The write-ups below and Nugget Onsides and Offsides should give you a pretty good idea of what gets discussed and presented at AVG.

Here are links to the Programmes for past AVGs. Remember to check The Nugget archives for Onside and Offside reports of the individual sessions. Details of the next AVG (usually in October each year) are on our Events page.