The Nugget
The first issue of The Nugget was published in November 1980 and we have published The Nugget around 9 times a year ever since. The Nugget is distributed as an A5 black and white ~28pp journal by post to members, and is also available for members to download from this web site. Read more about the History of the Nugget.
Members have on-line access to the full set of back issues from Issue 193 (October 2005) on our Nugget Back Issues page, passwords are made available on an annual basis to members via The Nugget.
So that non-members can get some idea of what The Nugget covers here is a sample of a recent copy.

The Nugget primarily consists of the Onside (by the developer/referee) and Offside (by participant) reports of games, presentations and discussions, thought-pieces, travelogues or research articles. Onsides are write-ups by a games designer/presenter, and typically consists of designer notes and “how it went”, and often include a full set of rules. Offsides are by players of the game providing useful narrative to those who haven’t played it, and even more useful feedback to the designer! Nugget articles typically range from 100-2000 words, and some black and white images are included. There is also a regular "Colour Supplement" as a PDF only with colour photos of games. Any member can submit article to the Editor for inclusion.
- Current Issue (password protected PDF - members only)
- Back Issues (password protected PDFs - members only)
- Sample Issue
- The History of the Nugget