Welcome to Wargame Developments!
Wargame Developments (WD) is a group of like-minded wargamers who are dedicated to developing wargames of any type whatsoever. It is a non-commercial, largely informal, organisation, and its aims are to:
- Provide a forum for the exchange of new ideas and concepts.
- Examine and explore existing methods of wargaming, and to
- Develop new wargames and new approaches to wargaming.

Wargame Developments was founded in 1980, and since then it has pursued its aims in a variety of ways. These include:
- Running an annual conference (COW - the Conference Of Wargamers), an annual on-line conference (VCOW - the Virtual Conference of Wargamers) and other occasional gatherings (e.g. the Autumn Virtual Gathering).
- Publishing a regular journal (The NUGGET) that is sent to all members nine times per year.
- A discussion forum at https://groups.io/g/WDDG
- A blog at https://wargamedevelopments.blogspot.com/
- A Facebook page
- Putting on participation games at major wargames shows in the UK in order to demonstrate the sort of developments that are being undertaken by members of WD.
- Supporting members who are working together to develop particular ideas and concepts.
Please explore the website to learn more about wargaming and WD and to get a better idea of what we do, and if you are interested in joining us then please look at our Membership page or get in contact.